Tag Archives: heart’s desires


“Infinite Mind will put ideas in your mind, words in your mouth, creativity in your hands, boundless opportunity before you, and guiding light on your way.”            Eric Butterworth

I believe that Spirit gives us everything that we need to have every heart’s desire; including the heart’s desire itself. We are first given the idea of the heart’s desire, then the ability, creativity, and every opportunity that we need. When we act on those opportunities that we are presented we are given “light” all along the way until the heart’s desire is made manifest in our world. No good thing is ever withheld from us. We may not act on the opportunities that are presented. We may not even see the opportunities because of past experience or societal conditioning but that does not mean that the opportunities are not within our reach. When we miss one opportunity another will come along. I know that this is contrary to the old addige “Opportunity only knocks once”. I believe that this statement is false and causes the discouragement of many gifted people. “If you being earthly parents like to give good gifts to your children, how much more does God want to give good gifts to those who ask.” God sends unlimited opportunities. Isn’t that what you would do for someone that you love? 

Sometimes we are awake and aware and we do act on all the opportunities presented to us in our lives but there is always the possibility that we give up too soon. What if you could see into the future and you knew for sure that you only needed to continue to act on your inspired idea for a while and you would reach your goal. Would you give up then? Of course not! If you can’t see into the future but you know in your “heart-of-hearts” that your idea stands a chance to succeed, would you continue? Remember: Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper because of “lack of imagination”, Michael Jordan didn’t make the basketball team one of his high school seasons because he “lacked talent”, and the Harry Potter series was turned down by many publishers before it became an overwhelming success. Winston Churchill was given 2 hours to make a speech. When the time came he stood up and said, “Never, never, never give up.”, and sat down. We would do well to take his time honored advice when persueing our heart’s desires.

Keep and open heart and an open mind (they are not exactly the same, you know) and say “yes” to every opportunity AND “Never, never, never give up”.

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Filed under Commitment, courage, encouragement, faith, Goal Setting, Gratitude, guidance, Life's Purpose, Living Full-tilt, power of words, prosperity, unlimited possibilities