Category Archives: Gratitude

How to Be a Genius

“Each of us in our own way, in our own occupation,  can become a genius even if unrecognized as such by society. To be a genius simply means to do what you enjoy.” Mark Fisher, author of The Instant Millionaire.

When we do what we enjoy we are tapping into our inner genius. We are each born with seeds of greatness within us. Those seeds of greatness are “planted”within us by our Creator and when we nurture those seeds and give them attention that they need to grow we touch the inner genius.

Because of your uniqueness there is something that you are interested in and therefore something that you can do in a way that no one else can. When we are interested in a particular subject or activity we are just naturally better at it.

What is that thing that you do that, when you are involved in it, you lose track of time? What activity makes your heart sing? Whatever it is, it is the key to your inner genius. If you are not currently able to do this activity as an occupation do it as a hobby. If you are not engaged in some way with this activity you are robbing the world of your gift. and more importantly, you are robbing yourself of the joy that comes with doing your heart’s desire.

Give your gift to the world by sharing the activity that touches into your “inner genius”. Let your light shine! By doing so you will give others permission to let their light shine also.


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Filed under Commitment, encouragement, GIving and Receiving, Goal Setting, Gratitude, guidance, Life's Purpose, Living Full-tilt, prosperity, unlimited possibilities

Create a Vacuum

Nature abhors a vacuum! I looked up the word “abhor” and it means, “to loathe, despise or hate”. So, nature hates a vacuum. This means that one of the laws of nature is to rush to fill up space whenever space is created.

I am thinking of this today because I have been ruthlessly cleaning out closets, drawers, cabinets and such and I plan to continue until I have released everything that no longer serves me. If nature abhors a vacuum, are these spaces going to fill up again? What will occupy these spaces?

I find that I think more clearly in an orderly space. When my desk is free of clutter my thoughts seem clearer. When my living space is free of clutter I seem to be able to organize my thoughts without effort.

Charles Fillmore wrote, “A mental housecleaning is more necessary than a material one, for the without is but a reflection of the within.”

I think the within is also a reflection of the without. They are linked together in a cycle.

I shall continue to clean out and organize and just see what happens as I continue to write my new book. Will cleaner closets make for a better book?

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Filed under encouragement, Goal Setting, Gratitude, Living Full-tilt, unlimited possibilities

What Do You See?

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way.”       William Blake

I am feeling a deep sense of gratitude these days. This gratitude does not necessarily relate back to anything in particular that I have acquired or accomplished. It is just an over-arching gratitude about life in general. I am happy about the wonderful “things” in my life but this gratitude is more than that. It is a deep knowing. Any words that I could think of to describe it would be inadequate but this quotation from William Blake feels close. Whatever the reason, I am having a deeper appreciation for people, things and situations in my life as never before. Along with that has come a calm, inner peace that is very powerful. It is a kind of paradox. I am not going to try to analyze it any deeper than that. I am simply grateful for this over-arching knowing/feeling of gratitude.


Filed under Deserveability, encouragement, faith, Gratitude, Living Full-tilt, prosperity, Uncategorized


In thinking about tomorrow’s Living Full-Tilt Group meeting, I am thinking about ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. One thing that works well for me is this: When I first wake up in the morning (before I even open my eyes) I thank God for the day. I just allow myself to feel grateful because gratitude is our natural state. At that point I have no idea what the day will bring but if I begin the day in gratitude I have found that I am better equipped for whatever comes my way. I feel a deeper sense of gratitude when “good” things happen and when “not-so-good” things happen I am better prepared to handle them. I know that what I give my attention to grows stronger in my life. When I am in a state of gratitude I find more for which to be grateful.

On those days that I forget to start my day with gratitude I find that things in general don’t go as well. I am more easily thrown “off-center”. My peace of mind is challenged. Thanking God for the day before it starts also helps me to exercise my faith and know that “with God all  things are possible”.

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Filed under Gratitude